Interactive Online Classroom - Content Development - Flexible Tutoring Schedule
Strategy Development - Homework Assignments - Diagnostic Assessment
Knowledgeable Tutors - Email Tutoring Services - One-On-One Sessions
Real Exam Practice - Comprehensive Content Review - Progress Checks
Live Weekly Tutoring Sessions - Customize Syllabus - Test-Taking Tips
Most Recent Exam Content
Our commitment is to provide high quality and effective online tutoring preparation for the ASVAB exam. We have dedicated years to ASVAB by providing relevant content and questions via online tutoring services. Our depth of knowledge and years of experience make our program the top service provider for ASVAB preparation. By providing ASVAB services for over a decade, our program is uniquely positioned to have unparalleled knowledge of the content and questions tested.
I am very pleased with this services. I needed 40 more points to qualify for a job. My tutor worked with me on math and vocabulary. He provided explained the math problems very well, and he provided a lot of support.
- Blake, TX
I took ASVAB 4 times and was never getting over 20 points. My mom signed me for tutoring. I work with Kevin, and I increased my score by 25 points. Thank you Kevin.
- Faith, NM
Our ASVAB Tutors are Best in the Nation
ASVAB Tutors know that all learners are not the same and differ in knowledge and abilities, so we tailor our tutoring courses to individual needs. Supporting students for over a decade on the concept that all students acquire knowledge differently and learners’ needs differ, our ASVAB Tutors provide the most personalized and targeted ASVAB instruction in the country.
Get Professional ASVAB Tutor Instead of College Student
As you know, the ASVAB exam covers various subject areas from arithmetic reasoning, assembling objects, paragraph comprehension, word knowledge, mechanical comprehension, mathematical knowledge, auto information, shop information, electronic information, and general science. These subject areas have a significant amount of content knowledge, but you don’t need to know all the information for the ASVAB exam. So, as you look for an ASVAB tutor, you have to be sure that the person that supports you is updated and has knowledge related to ASVAB. You don’t want to be studying irrelevant information that will never be covered on the ASVAB exam.
When you search online for “asvab tutor near me,” you will find many online tutoring sites (Wyzant, Miles Smart Tutoring, ClubzTutoring, etc.) providing ASVAB help. To position yourself to get the highest score possible, you have to find help that is 100% aligned to the ASVAB. So, how do you know which companies to stay away from and which companies to consider getting help from? We have put together some basic questions to help you determine the best program that can support you in getting the score you need on the ASVAB for your dream job?
Is there a pass guarantee policy?
Is my tutor going to provide personalized support?
Is my tutor going to have updated ASVAB knowledge?
Is the tutor or company that I plan to pay committed to my ASVAB success?
ASVAB Prep Tutors top instructors for ASVAB Prep
Is there a pass guarantee policy?
Commitment to your success is critical when looking for ASVAB tutoring, so if the tutoring company does not have a guarantee to pass policy of some kind, you do not want to sign up for the program. At ASVAB Prep Tutors, we guarantee a pass policy as we are 100% committed to our students. Moreover, we are also confident in our ability to guarantee to pass with our ASVAB tutoring program. Click here to read more about policy.
Is my tutor going to provide personalized ASVAB support?
Each test-taker tackling the ASVAB exam possesses unique learning qualities based on how they retain, interpret, and practice what is instructed to them. Moreover, all students come from different backgrounds and situations. Some students might not have had good math teachers, or some might have reading difficulties, so tailoring instruction must be individualized to ensure 100% success. Knowing this, our ASVAB tutors do not use a one-box fit all tutoring approach. When you sign up for our program, we ask for background information that no company will even bother to think about asking. For example, we ask:
When was the last math class you took? What was that class name? What was your score?
During high school, did you get any prep courses for the ASVAB exam?
Do you have learning disabilities related to math or reading?
Did you have an IEP in school?
Do you get extra time to take standardized exams?
When growing up, did you have difficulty reading or difficulty comprehending text?
How are your memory skills?
Nobody will ask these questions or even bother to care, but here at ASVAB Prep Tutors, our goal is to provide customized learning solutions to ensure a high score on the ASVAB, so we make that extra effort to get all information from the student. We also ask students about their experience in high school taking math, reading, and general education classes. We know that education is not equal across the country. Some schools do not teach or prep students for standardized exams as other schools, so by having that background knowledge, we will know the level of support needed to provide the student.
Moreover, in our ASVAB tutoring 8-weeks classes, we start by conducting an assessment session to see where students stand related to arithmetic reasoning, assembling objects, paragraph comprehension, word knowledge, mechanical comprehension, mathematical knowledge, auto information, shop information, electronic information, and general science. Knowing strengths and weaknesses allow us to build a success-driven plan. Unlike most programs, our EZ Tutoring Services focuses on weak area development, but we also don’t forget about strength areas. You don’t want to take the test and do well in your weak areas and fall behind in your stronger areas; that can cause you to get an overall lower score. Here, you get a level of tutoring support you won’t find elsewhere.
On top of all that, we also ask for previous score reports (if you have them) for our tutors to review and incorporate in developing a personalized course for you. If you have taken the test before and you have score reports, that information will help our tutors target specific areas. Previous score reports are one of the best ways to know which subjects require more attention.
So, we take a lot of background information and conduct assessment sessions to develop a tutoring program that meets your needs and ensures a high ASVAB score. No tutoring company or individual in-person ASVAB tutor engages in that level of detail. However, EZ ASVAB Tutors for years have applied this approach, and results have proven to be successful with our students increasing their ASVAB and AFQT scores.
Is my tutor going to have updated ASVAB knowledge?
The ASVAB exam was developed first in 1968, and the exam has undergone major revision since then. So, the exam has been around for a long time, so in searching for a tutoring course, you have to ensure that the tutoring you get is aligned to the updated content and knowledge tested. At ASVAB Prep Tutors, we are solely committed to helping students with the ASVAB exam; this site is focused on providing support for the ASVAB only, and we provide the following subject area services:
Arithmetic Reasoning Tutoring Classes
Assembling Objects Tutoring Classes
Paragraph Comprehension Tutoring Classes
Word Knowledge Tutoring Classes
Mechanical Comprehension Tutoring Classes
Mathematical Knowledge Tutoring Classes
Auto Information Tutoring Classes
Shop Information Tutoring Classes
Electronic Information Tutoring Classes
General Science Tutoring Classes
We are in the business of providing tutoring services for the ASVAB exam, so in doing so, we engage with students every day. We discuss topics and questions that have given students difficulty on the actual exam. Subsequently, we can strongly assert that we are more updated to the ASVAB than other tutoring classes.
Moreover, as we tutor students every day for the ASVAB exam, we also learn different methods and approaches to help students learn the concepts on the ASVAB exam. As previously mentioned, every student’s learning needs are different, so when teaching for standardized exams, there are new methods and techniques that tutors acquire that can support future students. For example, if a student does not understand an arithmetic word program with the approach we have used, we use another way to teach that word problem. If we still cannot help the student understand the word problem, we continue to try different ways of teaching until the student understands fully. In doing so, we learn more effective ways of tutoring students. Our ASVAB tutors are proud to say that students help them in learning new ways to tutor.
ASVAB Prep Tutors not only tutors students every day for the ASVAB, but we also have a research and development organization that supports in keeping our tutoring sessions and programs updated to the REAL ASVAB. Making sure that content is delivered with the highest quality, along with providing updated and accurate information, involves a significant time commitment, so our tutoring program has a research and development department that focuses solely on ensuring our ASVAB classes are better than any other program. When tutoring students, students have to be challenged in the different subject areas, and our researchers provide the tools needed to challenge and assess students learning. Challenging students will give them the confidence that they will be better ready for the exam, but this also gives our tutors assurance that the students are learning the necessary skills.
Is the tutor or company that I plan to pay committed to my ASVAB success?
When you search online for “asvab tutoring near me” to get help on your ASVAB to finally get the score you need for your dream job, you will see many online ASVAB tutoring sites. The marketplace for tutoring sites has exponentially grown, and we know as we have been around for over 10 years. With many online tutoring platforms, such a Wyzant.com, MilesStartTutoring.com, VarsityTutors.com, and many more, anyone with basic knowledge on the subject areas of the ASVAB exam can open a profile to start tutoring for the ASVAB or AFQT exams. The ASVAB exam is a unique aptitude exam covering various subject areas not found on other exams, so you have a tutoring company focusing on the ASVAB exam.
At ASVAB Prep Tutors, we have devoted our lives to the cause of getting all students the scores needed for the job they desire. We have ASVAB tutors that work every day with students to ensure they are ready to get the scores needed for their careers. We are the ASVAB experts who have helped 1000s of students across the United States. Our commitment to ASVAB is shown by just examining our website. Unlike other sites, every page on our site is dedicated to ASVAB; creating a tutoring program focused on only ASVAB takes significant time and effort.
One of the differentiators that allow us to stand out from other tutoring companies is that our tutors are dedicated to supporting the ASVAB exam. Unlike other companies that allow tutors to support students for SAT, ACT, GRE, and other school subject exams, at this time, we ONLY support the ASVAB exams. At EZ ASVAB Tutoring Service, you are assured of getting enrolled in an ASVAB course instructed by an ASVAB expert.
At ASVAB Prep Tutors, not only does the tutor have a deep commitment to your success on the exam, but the entire management team is here to support you to get your scores. Unlike any other company, we have ASVAB managers call you every 2 weeks to update you on progress if you are not doing well. If we see significant weak areas, we develop plans to get you in the right direction. Progress checks via phone are unheard of in the ASVAB tutoring marketplace. Most time, when you pay a company, you get a tutor, and management is nowhere near providing any support. Since we are committed to ASVAB success, our entire team is here every step until you get your ASVAB scores.
Let’s re-cap the benefits of EZ ASVAB Tutoring
Guarantee to pass ASVAB with our 8 weeks online tutoring course.
Personalized 1:1 ASVAB support to target weak areas and strengths
Comprehensive ASVAB content review
Obtaining background information to develop an ASVAB course aligned with your needs
Completing assessment session to deliver ASVAB course content focused on your needs
Get an ASVAB tutor updated with the content knowledge
Research and development team ensuring accurate and current ASVAB knowledge is delivered
Focused on ASVAB tutoring
Progress checks and monitoring of progression to high ASVAB score
Management team heavily involved in ensuring your success
Best ASVAB Tutoring Option (more $$$) vs. General Tutoring (less $$$)
First, in general, tutoring is expensive; you probably already know that if you have searched online for “asvab tutor near me” or “asvab tutoring classes.” In your inquiry for ASVAB tutoring, you have many options to select a tutor. Some companies charge very little, and some charge much more. Everyone wants to pay less for tutoring, but you have to look carefully at the quality and level of service you will be getting. At this point, if you are looking for an ASVAB tutor, you likely have failed or need a lot of points. In some situations, after you fail 2 times, you have to wait 6 months before retaking; this pushes back advancing in your career, like losing money. A lot of times, after taking tutoring and still failing, most people don’t want to move forward with the ASVAB. So, in selecting an ASVAB tutor, you have to look at money as that is always important, but you also want to look at what will increase your chances of getting the score you need.
Many tutoring sites that provide tutoring for multiple subject areas can provide tutoring at a much lower cost than other sites dedicated to ASVAB only (like our site). Tutors on those sites work part-time helping students with ASVAB; it is like the new UberEats and DoorDash in the educational industry. You want part-time gig work, you can set up a profile with tutoring companies. However, our program and very few others do not operate in that manner. Our program is dedicated to recruiting and retaining those passionate about getting students to do well on the ASVAB exam. Unlike other programs, you get everything you need to be successful on your ASVAB for the price you pay us.
This exam is way too important to go with a company that offers tutoring at a low cost but does not provide good ASVAB support. In some situations, if you fail 2 times, you have to wait 6 months to retake the ASVAB, so that has to weigh in during the decision process. For example, let’s say you decided to go with a low-cost tutoring program not dedicated to ASVAB after failing the first time. You go to take the test again only to fail the ASVAB; now, you have to wait 6 months to retake the test. Your chances of passing are much greater when working with an ASVAB tutoring program dedicated to ASVAB. So, if you had selected a good quality and effective tutoring program, which might have cost a little more, you might have passed the test. You could have gotten a job or enlisted instead of having to wait 6 months. In those 6 months, you most likely would have made much more money than the cost of tutoring.
Tutoring, in general, is expensive, and after doing tutoring, most students are at the point of giving up. Select a program that will significantly increase your chances of getting the score you need. We strongly believe that our program is the top ASVAB program as we provide more added benefits than any other program:
Diagnostic assessment session and study guide plan
​Email tutoring support
​Dedicated tutors who work to ensure your understanding
Tutoring sessions are based on students’ schedule
​Real exam content and exam questions
​Personal tutors to support you in your journey to passing ASVAB
​Research base test-taking tips
​​And Much More!!!
If you decide that this program is not for you, we respect and accept that. However, if you do another program and still don’t get your score, don’t give up. Come back here later, and our ASVAB tutors will get you the scores you need. Getting the scores for the ASVAB can unlock many opportunities to flourish your life, and you do not want to give up on that aspiration.
Get the best ASVAB test prep help with our revolutionary ASVAB study plan that allows you to save time studying, increase confidence, and reduce anxiety. So if you are confused about what to study, our tutoring classes offer a personalized study plan evolving your study habits and lifestyle.
Content Updated, Organized, and Concise
Since this site only tutors for ASVAB, we know what is on the actual exam, so delivering updated and accurate content is what we are all about. We take out all the bluff and only expose you to what is on the real ASVAB. We help you visualize complex ASVAB concepts and give tips on remembering critical content. You will retain the information that you need for the ASVAB with our approach.
Powerful Approach To Monitor Progress and Weak Areas
Nowadays, people rely too much on computers and programming to grade assignments with fancy charts and graphs. That is not providing detailed, personalized progress checks. At EZ ASVAB Tutoring, we have never gone away from the old fashion grading style. We manual check assignments, and we manual keep track of progress and weak areas. We can provide very detailed and personalized feedback and use the feedback to strengthen weak areas further. Moreover, if we see that you are not doing well in certain areas, our managers will give you a call and discuss progress via phone. No other ASVAB tutoring company will take this much effort in helping students be better prepared.
The Most Realistic Practice Questions So You’re Ready To Pass
When you go to MEPS, recruiting center, or testing center, you want to be 100% confident you will pass. The best way to do that is to practice questions like it’s Test Day, which is how we approach our ASVAB classes. Our practice test exams engage you with actual test questions aligned to the content tested on the exam. Moreover, we make sure to provide detailed explanations to all questions supporting you to boost your score on the actual ASVAB exam.
ASVAB Prep Tutors is proud to bring a revolutionary tutoring program to help individuals who will positively impact American society by taking the ultimate step in putting the country before themselves.
ASVAB Practice Test Questions
The ASVAB exam has been around for over 40 years, so as you can imagine, many books and questions have been written regarding the ASVAB exam. Therefore, you want to question which book or program will be best to support you in getting a high score on the ASVAB. At EZ ASVAB Tutoring, we engage with students every day regarding the ASVAB, so we know the content and questions. We are more updated than any other book or study guide as we know what is recently tested on the exam. Books written by Kaplan and CliffNotes have been around for many years, and the content from each year's version of the book is nearly the same. At EZ ASVAB Tutoring, we are in the business of engaging with students to deliver high-quality practice questions.
ASVAB In-Person Tutoring vs. ASVAB Online Tutoring
Everyone wants in-person tutoring for ASVAB; that is just a simple fact. Conduct a case study or survey of 100 people, and the majority of the individuals will prefer in-person ASVAB tutoring. Engaging with an ASVAB tutor face to face is the ideal choice of getting help for the ASVAB. However, in reality, finding a tutor who is an ASVAB expert in your zip code is going to be very difficult to impossible. Many profiles of tutors online indicate that they can tutor for the exam, but those individuals also tutor for other exams. Therefore, you are not getting specialized support for the exam. Not only that, in-person ASVAB tutors expect you to bring tutoring resources; however, you want new resources aligned to the test if you are going to spend hours prepping for the ASVAB. Many tutors that provide in-person tutoring do so as an additional job to make a side income. There is nothing wrong with that, but ASVAB is a different type of exam, so you want a tutor who is an ASVAB specialist.
We at ASVAB Prep Tutors guarantee you an expert for the ASVAB exam. You have no worries as the online ASVAB tutor who will be assigned is knowledgeable about the real test. Moreover, the tutors will provide updated information during the ASVAB prep course. Yes, our program is online one-on-one tutoring, but it is a program 100% aligned to what you will see on the actual ASVAB exam.
Most learners prefer ASVAB in-person tutoring; however, as test-takers, especially repeat test-takers, the first priority has to be to find an ASVAB prep course tailored to the real ASVAB exam. That guarantees your success on the real ASVAB exam:
Our ASVAB tutoring course is updated to the recent exams.
Our ASVAB tutoring course includes 1:1 instruction with ASVAB experts.
Our ASVAB tutoring course provides everything needed to ensure your success.